The Benefits of Calling a Pest Control Service for Squirrel Infestations

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Pest control is a very broad category of services. On one hand, these experts have to fight larger pests, like rodents. On the other hand, they have to fight tiny pests like bed bugs, cockroaches, and fleas. The exact approach they take in each home depends on the climate, the exact pests involved, and the structure of the home. It's no secret that pest control is a complex and varied topic. We aim to address some of that complexity here on this blog. Start reading, and you will learn more about various pests, and you'll probably pick up some pest control tips, too.


The Benefits of Calling a Pest Control Service for Squirrel Infestations

14 February 2024
 Categories: , Blog

If you’re a homeowner who has discovered squirrels running rampant in your attic, you’re not alone. Many homeowners have encountered this issue and have struggled to solve it on their own. While it may seem easy to take matters into your own hands, calling a pest control service is actually the better option. Here are just a few of the many benefits that come with hiring a professional to handle your squirrel infestation.

Professional Expertise
Pest control technicians are knowledgeable in their field and know exactly how to handle various pests, including squirrels. They’re able to identify the type of squirrel causing the infestation, where they’re entering the home, and how to safely and effectively remove them. 

Safety Precautions
Handling squirrels in the attic can be a dangerous task. Not only do they carry diseases, but they can also be aggressive and defensive when feeling threatened. Pest control professionals know how to properly handle squirrels without putting themselves or the homeowners in danger. They also take the necessary precautions to prevent further infestations and ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Time and Money Savings
Although do-it-yourself (DIY) methods may initially appear cost-effective, they can result in homeowners spending more money and time in the long term. Inexperienced attempts to remove squirrels can result in damage to the home or property, which can end up being costly to repair. Additionally, DIY methods may not effectively remove all squirrels, resulting in the infestation continuing to grow. Pest control services may have a higher upfront cost, but they’re more efficient and effective, ultimately saving homeowners both time and money in the long run.

Long-Term Solutions
Pest control professionals not only remove squirrels from the attic, but they also provide long-term solutions to prevent future infestations. They’ll be able to identify the points of entry and seal them up, making it difficult for squirrels to return. They may also provide tips and advice on how to discourage squirrels from attempting to enter the home in the future.

When it comes to handling a squirrel infestation in the attic, calling a pest control service is the smarter choice. Their professional expertise, safety precautions, time and money savings, and long-term solutions make it the more efficient and effective option. Don’t hesitate to call a pest control service if you’re struggling with squirrels in your home – they’ll be able to handle the problem without putting anyone at risk.

Contact a company such as Bobby Grisson's Pest Management to learn more.